Welcome to the 4th International Workshop on Carnot Batteries!
The challenge of solving the energy storage issue is a significant one for our society. Integrating intermittent sources of electric power from renewable energies into the future energy infrastructure requires gigawatt-hour storage capacities.
The cost-effective and site-independent storage of electrical energy at the scale of a large city's daily consumption is crucial for the integration of renewable energy into a sustainable future energy system. The isentropic energy storage system technology shows promise in addressing this challenge. Carnot batteries are a developing technology for cost-effective and location-independent storage of electric energy at a gigawatt-hour scale. Also known as Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage (PTES), Pumped Heat Electricity Storage (PHES), or Electro-Thermal Energy Storage (ETES), a Carnot Battery converts electricity into heat, stores the heat in low-cost storage media such as water or molten salt, and converts the heat back to electricity when needed. More economically and environmentally friendly than conventional batteries, Carnot Batteries have the potential to solve the global storage problem for renewable electricity.
The technology of the Carnot Battery has been subject to intensive energy research over the last few years. There are many international research activities on a theoretical and experimental level, and several concepts for Carnot batteries have been proposed. The growing interest in this technology is also evident in the establishment of the IEA Storage Annex 44 'Carnot Batteries'.
The 4th International Workshop on Carnot batteries will convene energy storage experts, with a particular focus on thermal energy storage, to discuss the latest research and demonstration of Carnot batteries. The two-day lecture programme will provide a comprehensive overview of innovative research approaches, covering various Carnot battery concepts, their demonstration, and integration into the power grid and sector coupling. Speakers from both science and industry have already confirmed their participation. The workshop is an international platform for the presentation and international visibility of the latest results in Carnot battery research.
We will be happy to welcome you @Stuttgart!
At a glance
Date: The 4th International Workshop on
Carnot Batteries, jointly organised by KIT,
University of Stuttgart and DLR, will take place in
Stuttgart from 23 to 25 September 2024.
Call for Abstracts: If you are submitting an abstract,
please read all the information under
'Call for Abstracts' first.
Important Deadlines
Abstract submission opens | 01 February 2024 |
Abstract Submission deadline | 03 May 2024 |
Results of the abstract review notified to authors | by June 2024 |
Final conference registration for all presenters | 31 August 2024 |
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